
Congratulations and thanks from the Dean of the College to all the college employees

Public relations and media officer


Mr. Prof. Dr. Hatem Mohamed Sayed Ahmed, Dean of the College, extends his warmest congratulations and sincere thanks and gratitude to all the employees participating in the success of the two workshops under the title “Basics of Artificial Intelligence and CHAT GPT Technology,” which were held in the Faculty of Computers and Information - Menoufia University. In terms of the distinguished trainers who were able to perform wonderfully, which everyone admired, and who provided valuable and useful content, in addition to the participants who added tangible value through their participation and interaction. And we're not done yet... We promise you more surprises and interesting experiences in the coming days. Get ready for more exciting courses and special events that will help you grow and develop continuously by highlighting different and innovative strategies to achieve success and achieve your financial goals 🧑‍💼 in impressive and inspiring ways. You will learn how to apply the basic principles of e-marketing🧑‍💻in innovative and effective ways. You will also discover the secrets of financial culture and how to make smart financial decisions that lead to financial stability and prosperity. Get ready for everything new!!!





