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Sharaf inaugurates the activities of the National Environmental Day with home economics

Sharaf inaugurates the activities of the National Environmental Day with home economics

Media Management


Under the auspices of Dr. Ahmed El-Kased, President of Menoufia University, Dr. Sobhi Sharaf, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, inaugurated the art exhibition held on the sidelines of the celebration of the National Environmental Day at the Faculty of Home Economics, Menoufia University, under the supervision of Dr. Sherif Sabry, Dean of the Faculty, and Dr. Seham Aziz, Vice Dean for Community Service Affairs. and Environment Development, Dr. Magdy Matar, former Vice Dean of the College of Science for Postgraduate Studies, and Dr. Ashraf Hashem, former Vice Dean of the College of Home Economics



Al-Kasid stressed that protecting and improving the human environment is a major issue that affects economic development all over the world, and January 27 was designated as a national day to celebrate the National Environment Day for the first time in the history of Egypt in 2020, following the example of World Environment Day, which the United Nations celebrates on June 5 since 1972. And in order to activate the presidential initiative launched by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, under the slogan "Prepare for Green".



For his part, Sharaf added that the celebration of the National Environment Day comes as a way to raise awareness of the importance of preserving the environment, modifying behavior towards environmental and natural resources, and promoting sustainable use policies.



Sharaf also expressed his great happiness with the efforts made by faculty members and male and female students in the exhibition held in the college, which included artifacts, paintings, food products and other handicrafts such as clothing and textiles, which show a high skill in design and implementation.