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اختر اللغة

Important Action

A report on the achievements of the departments of the General Administration of Community Service Affairs


(Department of Special Units Affairs - Department of Communications and Conferences - Integrated Convoys Department - Training Department for Community Service)

    The minutes of the boards of directors of centers and units of a special character to the university and its various colleges have been reviewed and approved.
    (20) decisions have been issued to form the boards of directors of many centers and units of a special nature affiliated with the university and its colleges
    A number of (4) cooperation protocols were reviewed between (the Center for Languages ​​and Consulting at the College of Arts and the Modern Institute of Languages ​​in Badrasheen - the University's Research and Technological Development Center and the Academy of Training and Development in Shebin al-Kom - the Public Service Center at the College of Nursing, the Academy of Training and Development in Shebin, and the Majd Training Center in Tanta)
    A number of (45) convoys were carried out between nursing, medical, educational, social, technical, educational, and scientific caravans from the Faculty of Home Economics - agricultural caravans - and convoys from the Faculty of Arts to many villages and centers in the governorate, schools and housing institutions.
    Preparation and preparation for signing the tripartite cooperation protocol between the university and the National Council for Disability Affairs in Cairo and the Directorate of Health Affairs in Menoufia since 01/19/2014 until it was signed between the three parties on 3/18/2014
    Preparation and preparation for the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the university and the International Organization for Migration since 2/19/2014 until the memorandum was signed on 3/18/2014
    A symposium on "The Renaissance Dam and Implications for Egyptian Security" was held on Thursday, 3/27/2014 in the conference hall of the university's public administration
    The governorate was addressed to present the services that the university could provide to the governorate, including "training courses - consultations - joint projects" to serve the citizens of the province in preparation for concluding a cooperation protocol between the university and the governorate.
    Preparation and preparation for holding the training course for the Roads Leading to Higher Education Project at the University in the period from 27 / 1-6 / 2/2014
    The results of training courses are reviewed and recorded, as well as certificates of passing training courses received from centers and units of a special nature on the computer and the records for that.
    Follow up the implementation of the decisions of the Council for Community Service and Environmental Development, which is held monthly.

    Community Service Association at Menoufia University, which is publicized with No. (1859) of 2013

     The Community Service Association was established at the University of Menoufia on 5/19/2013 and was announced under the number 1589 of 2013 on 08/25/2013 to work in the following fields: -
        Family care, childhood and maternity care
        Taking care of special groups and the disabled
        Community development
        Social aid and services
        Cultural, scientific and religious services

    The association works to achieve its objectives in these fields by practicing the following activities: -
        Providing technical, engineering and agricultural consultations to the citizens of the province.
        Providing university services in areas that serve the community such as "agriculture - industry - education - health".
        Providing equal opportunities for disabled challengers to enable them to progress and advance, whether in their studies or work.
        Providing technical assistance and guidance in the areas of "Small Projects - Family Care".
        Care for people with special needs "psychological counseling."
        Cooperating with civil society and civil societies in the following areas: - "The breadwinner woman and the widows."
        Marginalized groups - children and the protection of homeless children - street children, providing training courses to raise their level, and organizing free medical convoys to serve these groups.
        Cooperating with businessmen in providing material and moral support to contribute to achieving the association's goals.
        Development of local communities through the establishment of targeted projects that serve the community such as "establishing a model nursery - projects for recycling organic waste - electronic waste and paper waste".
        Facilitating Hajj and Umrah.

     Membership is open to everyone who wishes to participate in charitable work and lend a helping hand to the advancement of the surrounding community.

    Membership fee: - (fifty pounds) only, and the annual subscription (one hundred pounds)

    Society headquarters: - General Administration of Community Service Affairs - 7th floor of the General Administration building of Menoufia University, Gamal Abdel Nasser Al-Bahari Street - Shebin El-Kom - Menoufia.

    Phone and fax: - 2329094/048