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اختر اللغة

Research Journals

Journal of Environmental and Energy Research

Menoufia University


Email: - EV president @ menofia0 edu0eg

    University website: http: // www0menofia0.edu0eg



an introduction :-

The Journal of Environmental Research and Energy at Menoufia University is an international biannual refereed scientific journal issued by Menoufia University - Community Service and Environmental Development Sector - and supervised by a group of scientists specialized in environmental and energy sciences, and the journal is interested in publishing scientific and applied research in the field of environment and energy.

Publishing Instructions in the Journal: -

The journal publishes original research that has not been previously published before, and all those involved in the research are fully responsible for all that is mentioned in the research of scientific material and opinions, and in the event that the research is accepted for publication, it may not be published anywhere else under any name or for any purpose. Summaries or an overview of this research, provided that reference is made to the journal and the number in which it was first published.

Procedures for writing a paper before submitting it:

* The paper shall be submitted in three copies written on the computer on A4 size paper on two spaces and with margins on the four sides of not less than 4 cm and a maximum of 29 lines per page.

* The research is written in a sound scientific language in either Arabic or English. The research ends with an abstract in the other language.

* The number of search pages, including tables, pictures and drawings, must not exceed twelve, and five pounds shall be paid for each extra page.

 * Dealing in the matters of the research presented is conducted between the author of the research and the administrative secretary of the journal.

* The researcher receives a letter of acceptance of publication signed by the editor-in-chief of the journal and stamped with the journal's logo seal.

Search view: -

    The search begins with the title (middle and all letters of the words are capitalized), and it must accurately express the content of the research.
    The names of the researchers and their work addresses (middle). The name begins with the first letters, then the family name, and below the names the titles are written (the beginnings of names and words only in capital letters) 0
    Determine the date of delivery of the search by adding the phrase (Received) in the right-hand corner at the bottom of the first page.
    The abstract in the search language (Abstract) is lateral and should give a clear idea of ​​the purpose of the study, the method of work and the results obtained in a specific summary in addition to another version of Abstract in a separate sheet.
    The guide words (side), which are within six units, to indicate the content of the research.
    The rest of the search titles are sideways.
    The researcher must use international units of measurement, terminology, and recognized abbreviations throughout the research.
    References (side), which is a list that includes all the references mentioned in support of the study.
    The abstract in the other language: - It includes the title of the research, its participants and their addresses, and then the abstract of the study in the other language of the research itself.
    some notes :-
    The researcher submits one copy of the research with a CD on which the research has been copied to the journal's administrative secretary.
    The researcher receives a letter of acceptance for publication signed by the editor-in-chief and stamped with the journal's logo seal.
    After the publication of the journal, researchers receive fifteen copies of their published research for free (usually it is delivered to the owner of the first name on the research and under the signature of receipt).

Publication costs: -

    Publication fee of 150 pounds for research submitted within the university.
    EGP 200 for research outside the university and inside EGP P.
    $ 50 (dollars) for research provided outside of M.

Subscriptions: -

    50 EGP per person annually (one copy for each issue).
    EGP 250 for authorities annually (five copies for each issue)

Method of Payment:-

    Pay for research fees or annual subscriptions for individuals and organizations in cash or checks accepted for payment

 (Community Service and Environmental Development Account at Menoufia University) - Account number (9/88037/450/9) in the name of the Journal of Environmental Research and Energy at Menoufia University. Checks are sent to the following address: -

    Arab Republic of Egypt - Menoufia Governorate - Shebin El-Kom - Menoufia University - Office of Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development

Correspondence on: -

    Arab Republic of Egypt - Menoufia Governorate - Shebin El-Kom - Menoufia University - Office of the Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, or Prof. / Mr. Mahmoud Al-Rubaie - Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Menouf - Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering -

Telephones: -

    2235677/0480 or 2222963/048

Fax: - 248/2222963