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1. The decision to grant his patent no. 29492 was issued on 11/11/2019 to the inventor D. Mohammed Al Sayed Khalil (full-time professor in the Department of Zoology - College of Science - University of Manofeh) for an invention called 'A device and way to purify drinking water from chemical and biological pollutants' for twenty years as of 8/9/2014

His official extracted image with his innocence of invention

2. The decision to grant his patent no. 29537 was issued on 11/12/2019 to the monopolists D./Mohammed Al Sayed Khalil (Full-Time Professor in the Department of Zoology- College of Science- University of Manoufa), Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud Shawki Sultan (Ph.D. in the origins of religion specialized in his faith and philosophy - and is documented in the faculty court of Shabin al-Kum) about an invention called 'a device and a way to control the amount of hydrogen added to drinking water' and for twenty years as of August 11, 2014

His official extracted image with his innocence of invention

3. A decision to grant patent No. 28459 was issued on 1/17/2018 to the inventor, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Hamid Muhammad Fathy Muhammad Hajjaj (a teacher in the Department of Clothes and Textiles - Faculty of Home Economics - Menoufia University), on an invention called "A set of female mannequin rulers. - Men - children, for a period of twenty years, as of 10/21/2013.

Photo of the official extract of the patent

A decision to grant patent No. 29893 was issued on 8/30/2020 to Patent Dr. Ahmed Mohamed
 Esmat Fahim Mansour (Doctor - Chest Department of Menoufia University Hospital), about an invention called "Self-Rebound Needle for Taking Crystalline Membrane Samples through the Skin" for a period of twenty years as of December 16 2014.

Photo of the official extract of the patent