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Menofia University

Menoufia University Celebrations of the liberation of Sinai

The office of Vice President for Education


As part of the celebrations of Menoufia University festivals of the liberation of Sinai under the slogan of ( Sinai Security - Sinai future ) under the auspices of Prof, Dr. / Sobhy Ghoneim, the  University President and Dr. / Moawad Mohammed Al Kholi , Vice President for Education and Student Affairs in collaboration with the Sports Federation of Egyptian universities and the project of Student Activities , the sector of Education and Student Affairs and the General Directorate of Youth Welfare prepared a program to celebrate the liberation of Sinai over the course of ten days starts on Wednesday, 16.4.2014 by holding  festivals in various activities such as futsal tournament with the participation of 6 teams ( the court - National Club at Shebin El Koom - police ( Security Directorate at Menoufia ) - Cabinet of the province – the Club of Sports Federation at Berat Al Sabaa – the university team ) where the National Club at  Shebin El Koom won the of first place and the Sports Federation at Berkat Al Sabaa got the second place, while the Cabinet of the province got third place , and in the same day a discussion dialogue entitled Back to the roots hold  at the celebrations hall at , Faculty of Education ..