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Menoufia University students visit the Al-Azhar Observatory for electronic fatwas in the sheikhdom of Al-Azhar

Menoufia University students visit the Al-Azhar Observatory for electronic fatwas in the sheikhdom of Al-Azhar

Media management


Under the patronage of Dr. Adel Mubarak, President of Menoufia University, and Dr. Nancy Asaad, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and under the supervision of Dr. Mohamed Jamil Shaheen, Director General of the General Administration of Youth Welfare, the Leadership Development Department, in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, through the Central Administration of Cultural and Voluntary Programs (General Administration of Universities) In cooperation with the Sheikhdom of Al-Azhar, the implementation of the activities of the program “Towards a Youth Vision to Confront Extremism and Terrorism” with the participation of Menoufia University students, which was implemented today, Tuesday, 24/8/2021 AD, for 50 students, headed by the President of the Union, as well as a distinguished elite of student unions In the halls of the Al-Azhar Observatory, within the framework of the strategy of the Ministry of Youth and Sports to work on building a conscious Egyptian personality, the first events were launched with a lecture entitled “The Returnees” by Dr. Hamada Shaaban, professor of Turkish language at the Al-Azhar International Center, where he addressed several concepts about (extremism, the difference between extremism and terrorism, the role of media outlets The media and social media in promoting extremism, and the role of youth in confronting extremism, then dealt with Major General Adel Al-Omda - lecturer at Nasser Academy For Military Sciences) Clarify all concepts related to Egyptian national security, history of extremist universities, and reasons for attracting young people.

The day’s activities concluded with a visit to the special operations room to follow up and monitor all extremist opinions and ideas that are presented on social media and respond to them in various languages.

It is worth mentioning that the Al-Azhar Observatory for Combating Extremism monitors, follows up and confronts extremist ideas and ideologies adopted by terrorist groups of all kinds, and focuses on spreading true Islam and highlighting its role in supporting human and human values. and Ahmed Gaber, an administrator.

The Department of Leadership Development has extended its thanks and appreciation to those responsible for implementing this visit, who were at the reception and escort of the visit, We especially thank Dr. Ibrahim Gomaa at the Central Administration of Universities for the good organization of the visit.

The visit concluded with the distribution of certificates of appreciation to the students participating in the meeting.