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 First Activity On-Line Festival of Students from the University of Menoufia

First Activity On-Line Festival of Students from the University of Menoufia

Media Management


Under the auspices of Dr. Adel, Mr. Mubarak, President of the University of Menoufia, and Dr. Nancy Asad Yousef, Vice-President of the University for Education and Students and under the supervision of Dr. Salwa Fouad  Ashiba, Supervisor of the Department of incoming students of the University  And Dr. Mohamed Gamal Shaheen, Director-General of the General Youth Welfare   who emphasized that these actions are directed by Dr. Adel Mubarak, President of the University, and with the full support of Dr. Nancy Asaad, Vice-President of the University.

In view of the role of the University in providing outstanding activities for incoming students and integrating them into Egyptian culture, the University has been suspended because of Corona virus.

Shaheen noted that these activities are organized by the Department of Social Activity and Excursions of the General Department of Youth Welfare in collaboration with the Department of University incoming students, under the title "First on Line Festival of Students for University Study Year 2020/2021 in the Fields of (poetry, religious art, chess, music, singing and plastic arts) during January and February 2021