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Mubarak holds the University Council session in December 2020 and confirms the completion of preparations for the first semester exams

Mubarak holds the University Council session in December 2020 and confirms the completion of preparations for the first semester exams

Media Management


 Dr. Adel Mubarak, President of Menoufia University, held a session of the University Council for the month of December 2020, in the presence of the members of the Council, Vice President Dr. Ahmed Al-Qassid for Postgraduate Studies and Research. Nancy Asaad for education and students, d. Abdul Rahman Al-Bajouri for Community Service and Environmental Development, Accountant Akram Abdel Dayem, Secretary General of the University, and Deans' Colleges. Mubarak began the session by congratulating President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic and the Egyptian people, for the new year, and congratulating the Coptic brothers on the occasion of the celebration of the glorious Christmas, with an emphasis on January 7 and 8. Empty in test tables.

The competition for scientific innovations concluded at the level of faculties of The University of Manofia and qualified for the Festival of Creativity 9, which is organized by the Ministry of Youth and The Rest, which was held under the patronage of Dr. Adel Mubarak, President of the University, Dr. Nancy Assaad, Vice President of Education and Students affairs, and under the supervision of Dr. Mohammed Shaheen, Director General of the General Department of Youth Welfare and Mervat Arafa, Director of Scientific and Technological Administration.

The result of the competitions was.

1- The field of engineering innovations - energy - engineering cars.

The first place was obtained by student Asma Saeed Mohammed Abdul Ghani, student Mahmoud Hani Abdul Malik Abdul Ati, student Mohammed Ayman Abbas, student Samar Samir Abdul Haq and student Amal Ahmed Mohammed-College of Electronic Engineering in Manuf.

And got the second place student Rahma Salah Omar Hamouda college of electronic engineering in Manuf.

The third place was obtained by student Amr Imad Mohammed Nassar faculty of electronic engineering in Manuf.

2- Entrepreneurship

The first place was obtained by student Abdul Rahman Ahmed Abu Alam, student Mohammed Mostafa Jaber Hashem and student Amr Mohammed Jado - Electronic Engineering College in Manuf.