اختر اللغة

Head of the Department of Industrial Electronics and Control Engineering

Head of Industrial Electronics and Control Eng.

Executive Director of Industrial Automation Eng.

Prof. Hamdi Ali Ahmed Awad


Prof. Hamdi Ali Ahmed Awad received the B.Sc. degree in Industrial Electronics, and the M.Sc. degree in Adaptive Control Systems from Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menofia University, Egypt in 1988 and 1994 respectively. 

Prof. Awad received the Ph.D. degree in Artificial Intelligent Systems in 2001 from School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, England.

Prof. Awad has got Associative Prof. degree and Professor degree in Control Systems in 2007 and 2014, respectively. 

Till August 2007, Prof. Awad has been with the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menofia University, Egypt and King Saud University, KSA from 2007 to 2011, He worked in Shaqra University from 2011 to 2018, KSA.

 Prof. Awad interests in Industrial Automation Systems and their applications.

Prof.  Hamdi Awad

Head of Industrial Electronics and Control Eng.

Executive Director of Industrial Automation Eng.

Title of Ph. D. Thesis:

Fuzzy Neural Networks for Modelling and Controlling Dynamic Systems, Cardiff University, Wales, England.

Major Specialization:

Control Systems Eng.

Minor Specialization:

Industrial Automation Systems

Field of Study/Research:

Biomedical Engineering, Intelligent Control Systems (Fuzzy logic, Neural networks, Discrete event systems, and their application in control and biomedical systems). The applications are:

·        Blood pressure control, Respirators

·        Boilers, Greenhouses, Mobile robots

·        Chemical reactors

·        Discrete Event Systems (DES), Petri nets

.        Industrial systems

Certifications or Professional Registrations:

- B. Sc. Menofia Unv., Egypt, May, 1988, in Industrial Electronics, Very good with honor degree.

-  M. Sc. Menofia Unv., Egypt, Jan.,  1994, in Adaptive Control Systems.

- Ph. D. Cardiff Unv., Wales, England, July, 2001, in Intelligent Control Systems

- Asst. Prof.  Menofia Unv., Egypt,  22/8/ 2007, Computer and Control Systems.

- Prof.  Menofia Unv., Egypt,  23/6/ 2014, Computer and Control Systems.

Membership in Professional Organizations:

Scientific Reviewer at  IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B, and Chinese Journals

Scientific Reviewer at  Journal of Zhejiang University, China

Scientific Reviewer at  Industrial Electronics Engineering Journal

Scientific Reviewer at IFAC


Honors and Awards:

Menoufia University Award for excellent staff , 2004

Service Activities:

(Participate for funded national projects)

Principal Publications and Presentations of the Last Five Years:

Prof. Awad has published more than 40 papers in International Journals and conferences. Samples of these publications are listed as follows:


  1. Hamdi Awad, "Supervisory control systems: Theory and industrial applications", In Tech Open Book Chapter, Published within the Book titled :Petri Theory and Industrial Applications , 2018.
  2. H. Alla, H. Awad, A. Anwar, E. El-Hajri, "Modelling and control of KRC Systems Using TPN and TA", International Journal of Advanced Research in  Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, IJAREEIE, ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875 , 4(1), 8-26, 2015.
  3. Eid M. Al-Hajri, Hamdi A. Awad. "An efficient multiple fault detection and isolation scheme for discrete event system", International Journal of Automation and Power Engineering, 3(1), 41-48, 2014.
  4. Hamdi A. Awad, " A unified frame work for discrete event systems",  International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems,  (11), 2013.
  5. Elshenawy, Lamiaa, and  Hamdi A. Awad, " Recursive fault detection and isolation approaches of time-varying processes",  Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012. ACS Publication
  6. Hamdi A. Awad, " Fault diagnosis in discrete event systems: Improvements and new results", Proceedings of Alexandria Engineering Journal, AEJ'11, Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.  on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alx. Unv., no. AEJ_30, Egypt,  2011. Elsevier
  7. Hamdi A. Awad, "Issues in modeling, supervision, and fault detection for automated RTP systems", The 17th Annual IEEE International Conference on Advanced Thermal Processing of Semiconductors, RTP-09 in Albany, NY, USA, pp. 177- 187, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, 2009.
  8. Hamdi A. Awad "A novel version of ELMAN neural networks for modeling and controlling medical systems, " Dynamic of Continuous, Discrete and Imulsive Systems, Series B: Theory and Applications, Special Volume: Advanced in Neural Networks, Theory and applications, No. 95, 2009.

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