
The President of Menoufia University resumes the work of the committee for selecting department directors and conducts interviews for 55 applicants.

The President of Menoufia University resumes the work of the committee for selecting department directors and conducts interviews for 55 applicants.

Media Management


Dr. Ahmed El-Kased, President of Menoufia University, has resumed the work of the Supreme Committee to conduct interviews for applicants for the positions of directors of departments in various sectors, units, and colleges of the university. The committee includes in its membership the Vice Presidents of the University, Dr. Sobhi Sharaf for community service and environmental development, Dr. Hazem Saleh for graduate studies and research, Dr. Nasser Abdel-Bari for education and students, and Dr. Abu Al-Khair Attia, former Dean of the Faculty of Law and a legal member of the committee.

The University President explained that personal interviews were conducted today for 55 applicants for the positions of director of departments: the Audio-Visual Equipment Library in the General Administration of Libraries, the Library Administration in the Faculties of Medicine and Physical Education, the Contracting Department in the General Needs Administration, Auditing in the General Administration of Financial Affairs, and the Financial Affairs Department in the Colleges of Childhood Education. Early education, science, commerce, and financial affairs at the General Administration of Engineering Affairs, the Examinations Administration at the General Administration for Educational Affairs, and the Registration and Study Affairs Department at the Public Service Center, where the committee listened to each applicant’s proposal and his plan to develop work in the administration for which he applied, and a presentation of his CV and the work he performed during the course of the year. His years of work, until the best suitable elements are selected for each job, stressing the importance of the vital and important role played by the university’s administrative apparatus and the university president’s endeavor to complete vacant positions to ensure regular workflow to achieve the goals, vision and mission of the university.





