اختر اللغة



General purposes

The general purposes of the University represent the key indicators of success of the accomplishment of the University's mission.Seven general purposes are identified for  Menofia University as follows:

  • A graduate who is compatible with the contemporaray challenges.
  • An excellent staff member.
  • Advanced academic research to be oriented by the purpose of the national comprehensive development plans.
  • Promoting values and ideal principales.
  • Civilized society and developing environment.
  • Distinguished status of the University in the development process of the education system.
  • Effective administrative system.


Strategic objectives

Each of the previous general purposes has a number of strategic objectives:

General purpose #1:

  1. Improving the quality of the educational process according to both the local and international standards.
  2. Linking the education with the issues of both society and local environment.
  3. Effective leadership of students.
  4. Improving the health and social care of the students.
  5. Increasing the competitive capabilities of the graduates in the labor market.


General purpose #2:

2.1 Accurate selection of the teaching and supporting staff members.

2.2 Sustainbility of the integrated development of the teaching and supporting staff members.

2.3 Effective motivation of the teaching  and supporting staff members.

2.4 Continuous performance appraisal of the teaching  and supporting staff members.

2.5 Advanced systems for promoting  the teaching  and supporting staff members.


General purpose #3:

3.1 Building an advanced academic base for the scientific research.

3.2 Linking the scientific research with the issues of the comprehensive development plans at the national level.

General purpose #4:

4.1 Developing and deepening the belongingness to Egypt.

4.2 Building the positive personality.

4.3 Assuring the values and commitment.

4.4 Assuring and respecting the University's values and traditions.

General purpose #5:

 5.1 Directing and using the scientific research to serve the development needs of the environment.

5.2 Freedom of opinion and protection of intellectual property.

5.3 Improving the quality of life.

5.4 Developing awareness of the cultural heritage.

5.5 Developing the sense of beauty and encouraging creativity.

5.6 Developing the environmental awareness.

5.7 Promoting the behaviors that are compatible with the society development.

General purpose #6:

6.1 Differentiating the university from others at both the local and international levels.

6.2 Improving the society's trust and convection of the university's role and achievements.

6.3 Activating the university's contributions in the local and international academic movement.

6.4 More effective role of the university in the current development systems  of the higher education and scientific research.

General purpose #7:

7.1 Improving the organization of the university's councils and comittees.

7.2 Improving the university's organizational job structures.

7.3 Computerizing  both  the administrative and financial systems.

7.4 Improving the organizing aspects of the university's financial and private business units.

7.5 Improving the selection process of the non-academic leaders and the administrative staff.

7.6 Continuous development of abilities and skills of administrative staff.

7.7 Effective motivation of the administrative staff.

7.8 Effective performance appraisal and controlling of the administrative system.
