
Menoufia University students visit the October War Panorama

Menoufia University students visit the October War Panorama

Media Management


Under the auspices of Dr. Ahmed El-Kased, President of Menoufia University, the Leadership Preparation Department of the General Administration of Student Care, in coordination with the Popular and Military Defense Forces and Colonel A.H. Mustafa Akid, Director of the Military Education Department, organized a visit by a delegation of university students to the October War Panorama, under the supervision of Dr. Nasser Abdel Bari, Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs.

The delegation included about 50 male and female students from the university's faculties. The delegation was received by a group of leaders and officers at the site.

Dr. Ahmed El-Kased stressed that this visit comes within the framework of the university's keenness to develop a spirit of loyalty and belonging among university students to their homeland, praising the students' keenness to participate in the visits organized by the university in cooperation with the relevant authorities to learn about their homeland's achievements and its honorable history, so that they can support their homeland and participate in the process of construction and development, stressing the university's continuation in implementing plans for activities and visits throughout the academic year, noting that the university places among its priorities the development of its youth's awareness of Egypt's history full of championships and achievements, through organizing educational seminars, competitions, many sports events and field visits, to introduce Egypt's achievements.

Dr. Nasser Abdel Bari pointed out the importance of these visits for students and the extent of their happiness and pride in learning about the landmarks and achievements of their homeland and their keenness to convey the image to their colleagues in the various faculties.

The visit program included a tour of the museum works in the main building of the panorama, the circular hall, the open exhibition area, the inner lobby and the steadfastness halls.

A documentary film was shown to the students about the stages of preparation for the October War until the crossing stage, including the steadfastness stage, the attrition stage, and the October victories stage. The students took an inspection tour to see the landmarks of the place, expressing their great happiness with what they saw of heroism.

The students' visit was supervised by Dr. Mohamed Shaheen, Director General of the General Administration of Youth Care, Osama Daif, Director of the Leadership Preparation Department, Captain Ahmed Hamdi Al-Tabbakh from the Popular Defense, Yasser Najm and Nadia Al-Masry from the Leadership Preparation Department.





