
El-Kased confirms that engineering programs at the private university are the path to promising job opportunities and distinguished professional experiences

El-Kased confirms that engineering programs at the private university are the path to promising job opportunities and distinguished professional experiences

Media Management


Dr. Ahmed El-Kased, President of Menoufia University and the person in charge of running the affairs of Menoufia Private University, Dr. Nancy Asaad, Vice President of the University for Academic Affairs, Dr. Ibrahim Hashem, Dean of the Engineering Sector at Menoufia Private University, and Accountant Mohamed Saeed, Secretary General of Menoufia Private University, received a committee from the Supreme Council of Private Universities, which includes: Dr. Mohamed Hassan Mansour, Head of the Department of Mechanical Power Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, Dr. Mohamed Kamal Al-Nimr, Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Dr. Tamer Medhat Mohamed, Professor of Computer and Systems Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering, Kafr El-Sheikh University, within the framework of examining and following up on the preparations and material and human capabilities at the Faculty of Engineering at Menoufia Private University and the numbers of students accepted annually into the college’s programs.

Dr. Ahmed El-Kased gave a brief presentation on the establishment of Menoufia Private University, where studies began in October 2022 with two programs: Planning and Construction of Smart Cities at the Faculty of Engineering, and the Internet of Things and Big Data Analysis Program at the Faculty of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Subsequently, the number of colleges reached 10 colleges with 17 distinguished programs. The committee reviewed a file on the College of Engineering programs, which are a prelude to a promising future that meets the needs of the advanced labor market and paves the way for success in vital engineering fields, including: planning and construction of smart cities, materials engineering and manufacturing management, computer engineering, including (3) tracks: "Cloud Computing, High Performance Computing, Cybersecurity, and the vision and mission of each program that keeps pace with the sustainable development revolution and adopts the concept of "smart cities" that rely on technology to improve the quality of life, the information revolution, and contribute to graduating architects and planners capable of designing, implementing, and managing these future cities. Materials Engineering and Manufacturing Management is also a program that plays an important role in developing the national industry by graduating engineers capable of designing and manufacturing new materials and developing advanced manufacturing technologies, and contributing to the advancement of the national industry and consolidating its foundations that support the national economy. The committee also reviewed the regulations of the Computer Engineering Program, which includes (3) tracks: "Cloud Computing, High Performance Computing, Cybersecurity, which is the gateway to promising job opportunities and exceptional professional experiences, as the program provides 3 distinct sub-tracks to meet the needs of the market Advanced work, especially in light of the accelerating age of digital technology, and the trend towards developing software and applications that operate on highly efficient devices, with a focus on improving performance and protecting data. The College of Engineering programs are also distinguished by the use of advanced educational technology methods, with a focus on practical training, to increase the knowledge and skills necessary for each specialty, and to provide a distinguished advanced educational environment that encourages creativity and innovation. The committee conducted an inspection tour of the Engineering Sciences Building and inspected the lecture halls, specialized laboratories and classrooms. All necessary inspections and follow-ups were carried out and a report was prepared to be submitted to the Supreme Council to follow up on the progress of work in the faculties of Menoufia Private University, where the committee praised the level of laboratories and devices for each program.





