
Menoufia University announces the start of the Diamond Reader competition among Egyptian university students

Menoufia University announces the start of the Diamond Reader competition among Egyptian university students

Media Management


Menoufia University announced the start of the "Diamond Reader" competition in reading among Egyptian university students, under the auspices of Dr. From the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Scientific Research Foundation in the United Arab Emirates.

The National Reading Project is a sustainable, competitive cultural project that aims to guide Egypt's children and youth to continue functional, creative, critical reading, which enables them to acquire knowledge, apply it, and produce new ones, leading to a society that learns, thinks, and innovates, which is consistent with Egypt's Vision 2030.

The Diamond Reader competition is concerned with competition among all university students in the Arab Republic of Egypt, as university students continue to read 30 books. The student chooses what he wants to read while adhering to the terms of the books read and summarizing them on the project’s website in their account after registering in the Diamond Reader, which makes them eligible to compete with their fellow participants. At the level of colleges, then universities, then the Republic, according to specific mechanisms and standards.

The first place winner will receive a financial prize of one million Egyptian pounds, in addition to the “Diamond Reader” cup, the “Diamond Reader” title, and a certificate of appreciation. The second place winner will receive a financial prize of half a million Egyptian pounds, in addition to the “Diamond Reader” medal, and a certificate of appreciation. The winner of the third place will receive a financial prize of a quarter of a million Egyptian pounds, in addition to the “Diamond Reader” medal and a certificate of appreciation, and the winners of the fourth to tenth positions will receive a financial prize of 100 thousand Egyptian pounds, a medal, and a certificate of appreciation for each of them.

The university student registers himself in the competition on the official website of the National Reading Project via the following link

The official website of the National Project for Reading





