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President of Menoufia University witnesses the closing activities of the first edition of the initiative to empower people with disabilities from university students in Luxor

President of Menoufia University witnesses the closing activities of the first edition of the initiative to empower people with disabilities from university students in Luxor

Media Management


Dr. Ahmed El-Kased, President of Menoufia University, witnessed the closing activities of the first edition of the initiative "Empowering people with disabilities from university students", which is held under the auspices of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, and organized by the Ministry of Higher Education in cooperation with the global "Hope Donors" campaign, to raise awareness of the rights and duties of students with disabilities in Egyptian universities. The closing ceremony was held at Luxor University in the presence of Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, university presidents, and 562 male and female students.

The university president indicated that the "Empowerment" initiative is a presidential initiative supported and supervised by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi; To raise awareness of the rights and duties of people with disabilities within universities, and to promote a culture of empowering students with disabilities to develop their personal and leadership skills, enabling them to participate effectively in the university community and society in general. The initiative also covers all Egyptian regions, according to the geographical division set by the "Alliance and Development" initiative in the National Strategy for Higher Education and Scientific Research, starting from Cairo University, then Alexandria, then Mansoura, then Suez Canal University, and concluding today in the South Upper Egypt region over two days in Luxor.

Dr. Ahmed El-Kased explained that through the Empowerment Initiative, we all seek to achieve a comprehensive and equal educational environment that contributes to highlighting the capabilities of students with disabilities and providing them with the necessary support to succeed and excel, as the important presidential initiative aims to support this category of students by providing appropriate academic support in the educational process, facilitating access to curricula and tests in ways that suit their special needs, in addition to enhancing social integration, and enhancing interaction between students with disabilities and other students through educational programs and social events that encourage cooperation and mutual understanding, and working to achieve equal opportunities to ensure that students with disabilities receive the same educational opportunities and academic activities as other students.

Dr. Ahmed El-Kased appreciated the efforts of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, and the initiatives he launches to support all segments of society, his unlimited support for people with disabilities, and providing them with equal opportunities that enable them to participate effectively in achieving the goals of sustainable development and Egypt's Vision 2030, and the efforts of the President of the Republic and the Ministry of Higher Education to provide full support to university students with disabilities and work to integrate them into all areas of life. The university president stressed the importance of providing the necessary support and care for these students, and implementing the initiative's goals. Indeed, many activities were launched at Menoufia University to support students with disabilities and provide them with all means of care, prepare buildings to facilitate movement, provide appropriate infrastructure such as dedicated facilities and technological means that help facilitate learning for students with disabilities, design e-learning programs that facilitate their academic achievement, and move towards a supportive educational environment that qualifies each student to achieve their maximum potential and develop their capabilities, in addition to focusing on raising community awareness and spreading awareness among students and faculty members about the rights and needs of students with disabilities, emphasizing the importance of respecting diversity of abilities, helping students with disabilities access training opportunities and professional consultations that suit their special needs, and working to provide integrated services to these students. Many activities and forums were organized with the participation of students with disabilities, in addition to their participation in external competitions and achieving many advanced positions in various activities.





